[외국도서] Patrones, clientes y amigos/ Patrons, clients and friends (Paperback) - El Poder Burocratico Indiano En La Espana Del Siglo XVIII/ the Indian Bureaucratic Power in the Spain of the 18th Century
[외국도서] Las Trampas del poder/ The power traps (Hardcover) - Sanidad, Eugenesia Y Migraci?, Cuba Y Estados Unidos (1900-1940)/ Health, Eugenesia and Migration, Cuba and the United States (1900-1940)
[외국도서] Depuracion de aguas residuales/ Residual water purification (Paperback) - Modelizacion De Procesos De Lodos Activos/ Active Mud Processes Modelling
[외국도서] Escenarios de la cultura cientifica argentina/ Scenes of the Argentine scientific culture (Hardcover) - Ciudad Y Universidad (1882-1955)/ City and University (1882-1955)
[외국도서] Flora Iberica / Iberian Flora (Hardcover) - Plantas vasculares de la peninsula Iberica e Islas Baleares: Rubiaceae-Dipsacaceae / Vascular Plants of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands