Plantae Wilsonianae, Part 1: An Enumeration Of The Woody Plants Collected In Western China For The Arnold Arboretum Of Harvard University (1911) (Paperback)
A Naturalist in Western China, With Vasculum, Camera, and gun; Being Some Account of Eleven Years' Travel, Exploration, and Observation in the More Re (Paperback)
The Silva of North America ?a Description of the Trees Which Grow Naturally in North America Exclusive of Mexico /by Charles Sprague Sargent ... Illus (Paperback)
The Silva of North America ?a Description of the Trees Which Grow Naturally in North America Exclusive of Mexico /by Charles Sprague Sargent ... Illus (Paperback)
The Woods of the United States (Paperback) - with an account of their structure, qualities and uses ; with geographical and other notes upon the trees which produce them
Plantae Wilsonianae; An Enumeration of the Woody Plants Collected in Western China for the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University During the Years 190 (Paperback)