Porphyrins: Spectral Data of Hydroxy and Naturally Occuring Porphyrins (Hardcover, Subvolume a Vol) - Spectral Data of Hydroxy and Naturally Occuring Porphyrins
Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for Phosphorus-31, Part 3: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data (Hardcover, 2014) - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Nmr) Data
Part 3: Mechanical and Thermomechanical Properties of Polymers: Subvolume A: Polymer Solids and Polymer Melts (Hardcover, 2014) - Subvolume A: Polymer Solids and Polymer Melts
Diffusion in Gases, Liquids and Electrolytes: Nonelectrolyte Liquids and Liquid Mixtures - Part 1: Pure Liquids and Solute in Solvent Systems (Hardcover, 2017)
Part 1: Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids: Subvolume B: Electrical Conductivities and Equilibria of Electrochemical Systems - Volume 9: Electrochemistry (Hardcover, 2016)