[외국도서] Using Military Capabilities to Help Young Adults in U.S. Inner-City Areas (Paperback) - A Report by the Csis Political-Military Studies Program and the National Urban League Joint Study Group
[외국도서] Nuclear Energy Safety Challenges in the Former Soviet Union (Paperback) - A Consensus Report of the Csis Congressional Study Group and Task Force
[외국도서] The Arab-U.S. Strategic Partnership and the Changing Security Balance in the Gulf: Joint and Asymmetric Warfare, Missiles and Missile Defense, Civil W (Paperback)
[외국도서] Building an Information Technology Industry in China, National Strategy, Global Markets: A Report of the Technology and Public Policy Program Center f (Paperback)
[외국도서] Computer Exports and National Security (Paperback) - New Tools for a New Century : A Report of the Csis Commission on Technology Security in the 21St-Century