[외국도서] El adolescente indomable / The Indomitable Teenager (Paperback) - Estrategias para padres: Como no desesperar y aprender a solucionar los conflictos / Strategies for Parents: How Not to Despair and Learn to Resolve C
[외국도서] La boda de Juan Carlos y Sofia / The wedding of Juan Carlos and Sofia (Hardcover, 2nd) - Claves y secretos de un enlace hist?ico / Keys and Secrets of a Historic Bond
[외국도서] La legion Condor en la guerra civil / The Condor Legion in the Civil War (Hardcover) - El apoyo militar aleman a Franco / The German Military Support to Franco
[외국도서] Emanuela de Dampierre (Hardcover) - Memorias. Esposa y madre de los Borbones que pudieron reinar en Espa? / Memories. Wife and Mother of the Bourbons That Could Reign in Spain
[외국도서] El Bastardo Real/ The Real Bastard (Paperback) - Memorias Del Hijo No Reconocido De Alfonso XIII/ Memoirs of the Unrecognized Son of Alfonso XIII